On today's PC hardware running at 4K resolution, a lot of fine detail you may have missed is resolved - the scratches on metal, for example, or the highly detailed ground textures. While the console lacked substantial system RAM - certainly by today's standards - Bungie worked around this by using a lot of decals and tiling detail textures on a lot of the game's asset. While I definitely recall Halo 3's visual blemishes - like its character modelling and some of its choices for animation, sound, and lighting technology - seeing the game again at higher resolution and frame-rate serves to liberate the original assets from Xbox 360's technical limitations. Beyond the fact that a genuinely great game is now available to PC gamers, what I particularly like about this release is that running it at 4K 60fps actually gave me a much better appreciation of some of the original game's technical achievements - elements that were hard to spot in the sub-720p Xbox 360 original. The Master Chief Collection for PC adds another classic game to its ranks - and the arrival of Halo 3 brings with it terrific performance, the best support yet for high refresh rate gaming and even some nice enhancements to existing games in the collection.